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It is perhaps one of the great paradoxes of our age that modern dentistry allows dentists to do more for their patients than ever before, yet mounting evidence shows that dentists feel stressed and burnt out in ever greater numbers. This development is extremely troubling. As a dental defence organisation, we see first-hand the consequences of when things have gone too far, and when members can no longer cope.

Through our “Breaking the burnout cycle: keeping dentists and patients safe” campaign – Dental Protection is making a range of policy recommendations that, if taken seriously, would help to improve the mental health and wellbeing of dentists and mitigate the risks of burnout in the profession.

What our members tell us

In June 2019, we surveyed Dental Protection members in Australia. They told us loud and clear about the impact their work is having on their wellbeing, and this has helped us enormously in shaping our policy recommendations. Among other things, they told us:

53% say it's difficult to take a break
42% considered leaving the profession
1/3 start the day feeling tired

Happy dentists, safer care

When dentists feel burnt out and disillusioned it is not only bad for the dentist concerned but also for patients and the wider healthcare team.

To put it simply, happy staff will find it easier to be compassionate and provide safer care – which of course will come as little surprise. In this context, exploring the impact of burnout and offering solutions is a risk management duty and the right thing for Dental Protection to do for members and their patients.

A growing global concern

Burnout in the dental profession is not unique to Australia, nor to any particular setting. It is a widespread and global phenomenon and is high among dental practitioners around the world. The overall evidence suggests that many dentists worldwide will experience burnout in their careers, that burnout rates are rising and that they have reached an epidemic level.

An occupational hazard

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently recognised burnout as a syndrome brought about by chronic workplace stress that hasn’t been successfully managed. They are about to embark on the development of evidence-based guidelines on mental wellbeing in the workplace. We welcome this effort. Burnout is a widely used term and a common condition in modern day society, but it is often poorly understood and therefore not always treated effectively. It is often not taken seriously by employers, policy makers or by the wider public.

Burnout is characterised by mental, physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, increased detachment and a decline in professional satisfaction caused by multiple factors. These contributing factors can exist at a personal, team and wider system level. The condition is an occupational hazard that occurs frequently among professionals who do 'people work' of some kind.

Recognising and preventing burnout

Christina Maslach, Professor Emerita of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, proposes six areas of work. This methodology was originally constructed with the goal to assess an individual’s experience of burnout and is based on employees’ interaction with people at work.

She identified the following areas of work life:


Identifying concerns within some, or all, of the six areas of work offers a framework to diagnose and resolve difficulties creating burnout for individuals and teams.

Indeed, the difficulties within the six areas of work identified by Maslach came through clearly in members’ responses to the survey.

We are keen to help improve members’ relationships with each of the six areas of work through individual, team and systemic changes. Members responded to tell us the extent to which their needs in each of these areas are being met. We also looked at three specific issues related to those areas: presenteeism, incivility at work and wellbeing oversight in the workplace.

An in-depth analysis of the survey results and our members’ experience against those areas can be found in our policy report.

Role of Dental Protection

Our work on burnout and wellbeing has been particularly profound in Australia, where a solid education programme has been in place throughout 2019. The ’Under Pressure‘ lecture tour in seven Australian cities throughout March 2019 was attended by more than ten percent of our membership and was a resounding success.

Dental Protection produces regular risk management publications, advising and supporting dental members around the world and in all stages of their careers.

We are a proud pioneer in this important work, and will also continue to offer the Building Resilience, Avoiding Burnout (BRAB) to support those dealing with burnout.

We will continue to provide valuable support to dentists dealing with burnout. But while support is invaluable, it is only part of the solution. The focus should not solely be on interventions that help the individual dentists to cope with their work environment. A move towards prevention is needed with much more emphasis placed on the improvement of underlying working conditions that impact on the wellbeing of clinicians.

Alongside other organisations, we must seek a commitment from healthcare providers and government to improve the working environment for all practitioners and to truly begin to tackle the endemic of burnout in healthcare. Only with organisational interventions can the wellbeing of dentists be safeguarded.

Get involved

As explained above, through our “Breaking the burnout cycle: keeping dentists and patients safe” campaign Dental Protection is making a range of policy recommendations that, if taken seriously, would help to improve the mental health and wellbeing of dentists and mitigate the risks of burnout in the profession.

You can get involved by helping create awareness of the need for change and the "Breaking the burnout cycle" campaign. We have prepared some resources to help make getting involved easy.

Read about our proposals

For full information on the policy recommendations that we are making read the policy document PDF linked below.

Join the conversation on social media

We need your help to raise awareness of the Breaking the burnout cycle campaign and its aims. To help you we have made some of the content easily shareable.

You can join the conversation online by following and using #BreakingBurnout on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and share the content below on your preferred social platform.

© 2010-2024 The Medical Protection Society Limited

DPL Australia Pty Ltd (“DPLA”) is registered in Australia with ABN 24 092 695 933. DPLA is part of the Medical Protection Society Limited (“MPS”) group of companies. MPS is registered in England (No. 00036142) with its registered office at Level 19, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG. All the benefits of MPS membership are discretionary, as set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

“Dental Protection member” in Australia means a non-indemnity dental member of MPS. Dental Protection members may hold membership independently or in conjunction with membership of the Australian Dental Association (W.A. Branch) Inc. (“ADAWA”).

Dental Protection members who hold membership independently need to apply for, and where applicable maintain, an individual Dental Indemnity Policy underwritten by MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd (“MDA”), ABN 56 058 271 417, AFS

Licence No. 238073. DPLA is a Corporate Authorised Representative of MDA with CAR No. 326134. For such Dental Protection members, by agreement with MDA, DPLA provides point-of-contact member services, case management and colleague-to-colleague support.

Dental Protection members who are also ADAWA members need to apply for, and where applicable maintain, an individual Dental Indemnity Policy underwritten by MDA, which is available in accordance with the provisions of ADAWA membership.

None of ADAWA, DPLA and MPS are insurance companies. Dental Protection® is a registered trademark of MPS.

Before making a decision to buy or hold any products issued by MDANI, please consider your personal circumstances and the Important Information, Policy Wording and any supplementary documentation available by contacting DPLA on 1800 444 542 or via email.

For information on MPS and DPLA’s use of your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Notice.