Membership information 1800 444 542
Dentolegal advice 1800 444 542

Membership services

If you have any membership queries please get in touch today.

1800 444 542 Australia

+617 3511 5099 Overseas

Dentolegal advice

To request dentolegal advice please call or email us

1800 444 542 Australia

+617 3511 5099 Overseas

Fax 07 3831 7255

Press office

For press enquiries or help with unwanted media attention please email

Have a complaint?

If you feel Dental Protection could have done better or there is something you believe we should be doing differently we would like to hear from you even if you do not want to make a formal complaint.
Visit here

Contact Us

We are here to help whatever your enquiry...
Seeking dento-legal advice?

You can speak to a dento-legal adviser between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday (GMT).

Have an emergency?

Some enquiries just will not wait until the next working day, so we’ve made it easy for you! Call our emergency helpline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and you can any time to speak to a dento-legal adviser using any of the numbers below. 

  • Freephone 0800 561 1010 (UK only)
  • Or +44 (0) 207 399 1400

Click here for details about our emergency advice helpline.

Be prepared!

We understand how stressful and upsetting it can be to receive a complaint or legal challenge from a patient, but there are several things we need from you to be able to assist you effectively. Click here to find out what information you need to send.

Membership query?

You can call any time from 8.00am until 6.30pm, Monday to Friday (GMT).

Calls may be recorded for monitoring and training purposes.

Member Services Online
Did you know, you can update your personal and practice details, pay your renewal and request a membership certificate online?
Want to know more about an event?

You have access to a whole host of events organised or supported by Dental Protection, including highly interactive workshops, dento-legal study days and roadshows. To book of for more information, call 020 7399 2914 or email

Click here to read about what’s coming soon.

Read all about it!
Have a media enquiry? Email David Croser at for further information, or visit our Press Releases section.

If you experience any problems logging into Prism, or printing your CPD certificates, please contact and one of the team will be in touch to assist shortly.

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Leeds London Edinburgh
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© 2010-2024 The Medical Protection Society Limited

DPL Australia Pty Ltd (“DPLA”) is registered in Australia with ABN 24 092 695 933. DPLA is part of the Medical Protection Society Limited (“MPS”) group of companies. MPS is registered in England (No. 00036142) with its registered office at Level 19, The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9SG. All the benefits of MPS membership are discretionary, as set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

“Dental Protection member” in Australia means a non-indemnity dental member of MPS. Dental Protection members may hold membership independently or in conjunction with membership of the Australian Dental Association (W.A. Branch) Inc. (“ADAWA”).

Dental Protection members who hold membership independently need to apply for, and where applicable maintain, an individual Dental Indemnity Policy underwritten by MDA National Insurance Pty Ltd (“MDA”), ABN 56 058 271 417, AFS

Licence No. 238073. DPLA is a Corporate Authorised Representative of MDA with CAR No. 326134. For such Dental Protection members, by agreement with MDA, DPLA provides point-of-contact member services, case management and colleague-to-colleague support.

Dental Protection members who are also ADAWA members need to apply for, and where applicable maintain, an individual Dental Indemnity Policy underwritten by MDA, which is available in accordance with the provisions of ADAWA membership.

None of ADAWA, DPLA and MPS are insurance companies. Dental Protection® is a registered trademark of MPS.

Before making a decision to buy or hold any products issued by MDANI, please consider your personal circumstances and the Important Information, Policy Wording and any supplementary documentation available by contacting DPLA on 1800 444 542 or via email.

For information on MPS and DPLA’s use of your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Notice.