Why am I seeing this page?
You’ve been re-directed to this page because you’ve attempted to access myMPS using an unsupported browser. Continuing with this browser may mean that some of MPS’s online services do not work, or do not work correctly.
Please use a different browser in order to access myMPS.
What browsers can I use to access myMPS?
To access myMPS, you can use any of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
Why doesn’t myMPS support Internet Explorer?
Microsoft Internet Explorer is now end-of-life in the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy, which means that support is gradually being withdrawn – including security patching. This means that the final version of Internet Explorer, version 11 (IE11) will start to be supported by fewer companies and websites.
Under these circumstances, continuing to support Internet Explorer would create significant and unjustified costs for MPS’s members.