Articles and features 31/08/2014 Recording dental pain Preview Article Recording dental pain Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview Patients are often prompted to visit the dentist because they have been experiencing pain or discomfort. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Record Keeping
Articles and features 27/08/2014 Tooth surface loss Preview Article Tooth surface loss Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview Not only is the prevalence of tooth surface loss (TSL) increasing, but clinicians increasingly find themselves facing criticism and challenges regarding its diagnosis and management. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Generic Dentistry ENT Managing Clinical Risk
Articles and features 27/08/2014 Post-operative instructions Preview Article Post-operative instructions Time to read article: 3 mins Close Preview Sadly the dental surgery environment is not always conducive to effective communication. Often the dentist and other members of the dental team are dealing with a variety of patients, all with different needs, and they may be subject to severe time pressures. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... ENT Generic Dentistry Managing Clinical Risk
Articles and features 27/08/2014 Co-operation & compliance Preview Article Co-operation & compliance Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview There are many examples in clinical dentistry of treatment which is largely dependent upon the level of co-operation from the patient, and/or the degree to which the patient follows the advice and recommendations of the clinical team. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Managing Clinical Risk Generic Dentistry ENT
Articles and features 27/08/2014 Monitoring early caries Preview Article Monitoring early caries Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview New techniques, new materials and perhaps more importantly, a shift in treatment philosophies in recent years has led to a greater emphasis upon minimally interventive, preventive approaches to the management of the early carious lesion. In some key respects new technology has helped, and in other respects it has hindered, this process. In a dentolegal sense, the most likely allegation would be that the clinician failed to recognise, act upon and appropriately manage the small or early carious lesion and as a result it was allowed to develop, causing pain and suffering together with the cost and inconvenience of more extensive (and more expensive) treatment. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Managing Clinical Risk ENT Professionalism Generic Dentistry
Articles and features 27/08/2014 Periodontal monitoring Preview Article Periodontal monitoring Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview People are living longer, and more people are retaining their teeth into later life. Consequently, the overall potential periodontal risk is rapidly increasing. Most allegations of undiagnosed, untreated and under-treated periodontal disease arise when a patient sees a new dentist for the first time. This may result from the retirement of the patient’s previous dentist, or simply because the dentist has left the practice. Sometimes the patient attends a different dentist in an emergency situation, or following the sale of the practice where they have been treated over many years. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Periodontics Generic Dentistry ENT Managing Clinical Risk
26/08/2014 Patient information Preview Article Patient information Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview In case after case, the question arises of what information a patient was given in advance of their treatment. Obviously, this is material to the quality of the consent obtained from the patient, and yet dentists, hygienists and therapists often find themselves unable to demonstrate with any certainty, exactly what the patient was told, when, and in what terms. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... Generic Dentistry Record Keeping ENT Managing Clinical Risk
Articles and features 26/08/2014 Communications between dentists and technicians Preview Article Communications between dentists and technicians Time to read article: 4 mins Close Preview Dentists communicate with their technicians (and vice versa) in a variety of ways, and on a variety of subjects. Yet in the experience of Dental Protection, many valuable opportunities to improve the quality of these communications seem to be missed. Although there has to have been some dialogue, there is often little or no tangible evidence that this was so. Read more Article contains Text Tagged in... ENT Generic Dentistry Managing Clinical Risk