You've been redirected to Dental Protection from The Young Dentist website. We recently merged The Young Dentist with its parent site You'll find all the same information here, but also benefit from further help and advice provided by the wider Dental Protection site.
The site's search features will allow you to find information specific to your field and requirements, covering everything from Publications and Case Studies, to Conferences, e-Learning and membership information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on [CONTACT EMAIL].
Formerly known as Dental Protection Xtra
To add dentists or dental care professionals to your Practice Xtra membership and get their discounts applied, please ask them to contact us directly on 0800 561 9000. They will need to quote their individual Dental Protection member ID, and your Practice Xtra ID.
To get access to the Practice Xtra indemnity discounts, dentists and dental care professionals must first join Dental Protection - Join Dental Protection
To add your practice manager to your Dental Practice Xtra membership, contact the service centre on 0800 561 9000 or apply online.
If a staff member is moving to a different practice and can no longer access Practice Xtra discounts and benefits, please contact us on 0800 561 9000 this to confirm. Alternatively, you can remove staff from your Practice Xtra membership online, by logging in here with your individual membership details, and selecting ‘Access Group Admin’ to view your Practice Xtra dashboard.
If a paying member wishes to cancel their individual membership, the member will need to contact us directly.
To remove other members such as free dental nurse members from your group scheme, please contact us on 0800 561 9000.
Contact your account manager
Our professional development courses are available when and where it suits you. From short online courses to face to-face-workshops, discover a range of CPD courses included in your membership.
You'll notice a few things have changed on our website. After asking our members what they want in an online platform, we've made it easier to access our membership benefits and created a more personalised user experience.
Why not take our quick 60-second tour? We'll show you how it all works and it should only take a minute.
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Use the top navigation bar to access essential links from any page of the site.
Should you need to contact us, our phone numbers are always visible.
Start your search by choosing your profession and/or area of interest through the two dropdowns.
Enter keywords to find specific resources. For exact terms, just use speech marks, e.g. "record keeping".
We'll save your profession in the "I am a..." dropdown filter for next time.
Narrow your search based on theme, field, format, article, type or location.
Based on the pages you visit, we'll also provide useful links under the 'More' tab.
Now you've seen all of the updated features, it's time for you to try them out.
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