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Articles and features 06/04/2022

The importance of follow-up arrangements

The importance of follow-up arrangements

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There are many moments in clinical dentistry when the most crucial aspect of case management is not what you do, but what arrangements you make to monitor the effectiveness of what you do.

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Articles and features 01/04/2022

Examining soft tissues

Examining soft tissues

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Unlike many other areas of healthcare, dentists generally get to examine fit ambulant patients at varying intervals, and at times when they may have no symptoms or any particular reason for attending, other than for a periodic review of their oral health.

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Compiling a portfolio...a guide to a painless experience

Compiling a portfolio...a guide to a painless experience

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Emily Hooper graduated from Bristol Dental School in 2013. She completed DF1 in Bath and has since completed Dental Core Trainee positions in Bristol and Newcastle. She currently works as a DCT 3 in Paediatric Dentistry.

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Dental Protection welcomes GDC proposals to modernise FTP procedures

Dental Protection welcomes GDC proposals to modernise FTP procedures

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Dental Protection has welcomed the General Dental Council’s (GDC) commitment to provide greater clarity on how and when it will use its formal Fitness to Practise enforcement powers as a solution to managing serious risk to patients.

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DFT...there is another way

DFT...there is another way

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Saleem Hasanally is in his third year post-qualification after choosing to do his vocational training over two years at Porth Dental Teaching Unit in Wales. If you're thinking DFT is the only way, read Saleem's experience of training another way.

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To DCT or not to DCT? That is the question.

To DCT or not to DCT? That is the question.

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Hannah qualified from Peninsula Dental School in 2015 and went on to complete her DF1 on the Oxford Scheme. Today she is a DCT1 in Paediatrics and Oral Surgery at Birmingham Dental Hospital, but she found the choice of applying for DCT a difficult one to make.

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Press release 01/12/2016

MPS response to the Scottish Government’s Oral Health Plan for Scotland

MPS response to the Scottish Government’s Oral Health Plan for Scotland

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MPS welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s Oral Health Plan for Scotland. The consultation is wide ranging, and MPS confines its comments to a small number of questions pertinent to our role as a protection organisation serving dentists and other members of the dental team. Read the full response below.

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Articles and features 15/08/2016

Infection control

Infection control

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In addition to several references in the press to “dirty dentists” this is the month that the case of Dr D’Mello returned to the GDC. More importantly, when the case is reported in the national press it has the potential to suggest that dental surgeries may not be safe or that cross - infection standards have been disregarded. One way to avoid such suspicion is to share your infection control routines with your patients at an early stage when they first come for treatment; adopt an “open house” policy.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Tooth surface loss

Tooth surface loss

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Not only is the prevalence of tooth surface loss (TSL) increasing, but clinicians increasingly find themselves facing criticism and challenges regarding its diagnosis and management.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Post-operative instructions

Post-operative instructions

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Sadly the dental surgery environment is not always conducive to effective communication. Often the dentist and other members of the dental team are dealing with a variety of patients, all with different needs, and they may be subject to severe time pressures.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Co-operation & compliance

Co-operation & compliance

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There are many examples in clinical dentistry of treatment which is largely dependent upon the level of co-operation from the patient, and/or the degree to which the patient follows the advice and recommendations of the clinical team.

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