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Worldwide Membership

Post date: 06/02/2015 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

We are unique in that we are the only UK-based defence organisation serving 64,000 dental members worldwide. This gives us a wide experience and may make it possible for your membership to travel with you.

Working abroad

If you are planning to work overseas, we want to ensure you are properly prepared so that you can make the most of your experience.

Whether you are relocating permanently, for just a year, or working on an expedition or voluntary project, it is vital that you have access to appropriate indemnity as new countries and new roles can mean new risks.

Dental Protection has over 64,000 members worldwide, so if you are planning to work overseas, membership can usually be arranged.

If you are not a member but would like to join, please contact Membership Operations to request an application pack and a quote for membership.

Working in Australia

Australia continues to be one of the most popular destinations for UK dental graduates to work. The article New to Australia, describes the processes involved.

Dental Protection has offices in Brisbane and Melbourne, which can make arranging your membership in Australia an easy process.

Contact Us

Members should contact Membership Operations well in advance of their intended travel date, providing the details and dates of any work they are intending to undertake overseas.

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