Thanks to Dr Sue Boynton – our departing Head of Dental Services for Ireland

05 December 2017

Dental Protection is proud of the many dentolegal advisers who have supported members over the years and it is always sad when one of them decides to leave the team.

Dr Sue Boynton, who has been Head of Dental Services for Ireland for more than five years, has decided to stand down from the post at the end of 2017. Sue will be greatly missed and will leave a large gap to fill. 

During her time with Dental Protection, Sue worked in collaboration with the Irish Dental Association to successfully challenge some of the key issues facing dentists in Ireland. 

Many Dental Protection members will have met Sue during the annual Dental Protection Roadshow, which she helped to mould into its current popular and accessible format.

Dental Director Dr Raj Rattan MBE writes: “Sue is a valued and well respected member of the team. Her integrity, professionalism and expertise have been a great asset to Dental Protection and its members for the last 17 years that she has worked with the organisation. 

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sue for all she has done and achieved, and I know everyone will want to join me to wish her well in the future.”

Dr Rattan will take on Sue’s role in the interim, and members can rest assured that the quality of the service provided to members will not be affected in any way during this time.

We will provide a further update in the New Year.