Managing Clinical Risk – Dental Protection’s Roadshow returns to Ireland in June

09 June 2016

Dental Protection is hosting its eighth series of Roadshows, which will focus on safe practice, managing risk and avoiding pitfalls in periodontal disease.

Following the success of the last seven years, over 500 Dental Protection members are attending this year’s evening sessions which will take place in Cork, Limerick, Galway and Dublin from 28 June to 1 July.

Dr P J Byrne, President of the Irish Dental Association (IDA) and renowned international speaker, will team up with Dental Protection’s Dr Sue Boynton and Dr Stephen Henderson to present lively and interactive sessions looking at key risk management challenges facing clinicians, focussing on periodontal disease, communication and record keeping. Mr Fintan Hourihan, Chief Executive Officer of the IDA will also provide an update on probity and share essential tips and examples of what to watch for in third party schemes.

Dr Sue Boynton, Dental Protection’s Head of Dental Services for Ireland and Senior Dentolegal Adviser said:

“Our Roadshow provides Dental Protection members with an opportunity to learn about hot topics that may impact on them, hear case-based scenarios where things have gone wrong and discuss the realities of treatment in an open – but confidential – forum, all while completing their Continuing Professional Development requirements and gaining Risk Credits.” 

Further information including the full programme can be viewed here



To arrange a press pass and / or interviews with speakers, please contact Shannon Darling, Press Officer at Dental Protection on +44 (0)207 399 1319 or email [email protected]   

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